Sunday, January 13, 2008

First Weekend in Denver

Hey Everyone!

So, I finally made it to Boulder! The town was awesome! Like a less skanky version of Berkley. I think I might have to move out here after my time with Up With People is done. :-) Going to bed now, but I thought I would add some more pics and just say "hi". Also went to the Celestial Seasonings factory and took a cool!

Thanks for stopping by : -)


CapeCodYuppie said...

Dude, Your pictures are awesome. I especially like the pic with Shabaz at Sonic. Only you.
So all the CSR's are coming to town this week for meetings and we are throwing a "graffiti party" on thursday night. Wish you could be here for it! Its going to be a blast, but kinda wierd without you. I went to the pats game on Saturday night. AWESOME. AND I won a 3 day all expense paid trip to Killington Ski Resort in Vermont!! HOW SICK IS THAT?! I won it at a bar in Boston last friday night. Good times!!!
PS, I cut my hair much shorter, and now I have dark dirty blonde hair, and it looks like I am totally dying my hair now. So ridiculous. Looking forward to the summer. OK PEACE OUT HIPPIE.

Maura said...

you have a pic w/ the sleepytime bear.. i hope he knows what a giant fan of specialTEA you are.. hmm.. (PS btw, i need your recipe for making tea.. i boil the water, pour it into the incredibles mug, throw a tea bag in there, and things just aren't the same.. dear lord!)
ok. so as yuppie said, he's throwing a party at our house.. i have to make the infamous spinach dip for him.. that should be interesting..
Also - the bed people yesterday - dot dot dot - hoooly.. thanks for that load of entertainment.. they chucked the bed over the deck b/c it wouldn't fit down the staircase.. HAH. you woulda LOVED it.
ok..nice pix. (down with men, up with hands.. nice freakin 'map'..)i need to know where you are and what you are doing RIGHT NOW so blog away, nerdball..